Hebrews 13:17 Obey those who rule over you , and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.

Being in ignite, there is a group of people that are in a position of authority over me. Not only does this scripture tell me to obey, but to do it submissively . There's plenty of times I've been obedient, but I didn't do these things with a submissive spirit and really in my heart I was pulling against what I was called to do. I never really thought of this until now, but these men and women, brothers and sisters are here to look out for my well being not just in the physical but more importantly, spiritually and they will have to give an account of their thoughts and deeds and all that they do as overseers of my spiritual well being. They watch out for all of us with love, giving their life to be the hands and feet of Jesus in raising us up to be stronger in our faith and in our walk with God. With that revelation, I ought to give more respect to those above me considering their sacrifice they've made not only for me, but for the rest of the body of Christ . Not only in this setting, but in my home church, I will be called to be in submission to them as well, for they will be in the same position given a responsibility to shepherd Gods sheep. I must take heed to the words of those who are above me and do it with a submissive spirit, so I don't grieve them and in return of their service, bring them joy because I am receiving instruction from them and allowing them to pour into my life.


When I'm told to do something and I sense in my spirit I'm kicking against what they're asking of me, I will confess this to them and ask them for prayer.


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