Revelation 1:9 I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
This week I've really been challenged by Keith Wheeler. This mans testimony is radical. He has been threatened, imprisoned, beaten , had guns in his face and much more. He is a man that is truly a brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. The real question is: am I ? As I look into this verse and even into the life that Keith lives, I understand what real tribulation is and I ask myself this question: Would I go through that for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ? As I think about this I'm a little unsure because who knows until they're truly faced with it, but I feel In my spirit that I would accept the suffering and persecution by the strength of the Lord, and for good reason. We read about the struggles the apostles go through, being imprisoned being stoned and we hear testimonies about true trials and tribulations, but more importantly we see the amount of lives that have been brought to Jesus and set free from the chains of sin and death . Another question that I've been challenged with is this: do I really know Jesus? Honestly, not as well as I should and it challenges me to press in more and get to know Him on a deeper level. To tune in to Him that I may be more equipped to withstand in the trials that are to come and to just know more about His heart and what pleases Him.
I will grab at least two classmates and pray for those who are going through tribulations.
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