1 Corinthians 12:14-15 For in fact the body is not one member but many. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body," is it therefore not of the body?

I love thinking of the church and relating it to being a body, Christ being the head. Being that we make up the body, we each are unique in how we contribute to the function of the church as a whole. In verse 15 Paul tackles the issue just about every one of us face and that's self-depreciation. We were told early on that we should not look to the left or to the right, comparing our walk with one another but for me, that can be hard at times. I look at people who can take the Word of God and just pull truth out of it seemingly easy, and I see my minimal understanding and compare, almost disabling me and that's just one example out of many. We can look at this sort of thinking almost as a cancer. Cancer is where your white blood cells take a turn for the worst and start attacking other white blood cells disabling your bodies ability to fight off disease . When we start looking upon others lives we start criticizing ourselves and asking God why we don't have certain abilities and question whether or not we're even good enough to be a part of the church which is so far from the truth. God created us individually and for a purpose and we need to be willing to accept the gifts that we have and adapt to the part of the body that the Lord is calling us to be.

Application: When I catch myself comparing myself to others I will ask the Lord for forgiveness for not having faith in Him and how He made me, and at the end of the day confess it to one of my class mate and ask for prayer.


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